NC EGR Valve Replacment

With the help of the information shared on this forum I successfully earned my EGR valve changing badge yesterday.
I bought a second hand EGR valve from a MK3 Ford Mondeo as it has an identical stepper motor although the valve assembly is slightly different. From reading other members experiences the valve is rarely at fault and it’s usually the stepper motor that burns out causing the EML light to illuminate and associated OBD fault code.
It’s not a quick job but basic spanner work to strip the car down.
It went something like this;

Windscreen wipers off, scuttle panel removed, engine cover removed, wiper motor assembly removed, lots of clips holding brake pipes and aircon pipes undone, front strut brace, remove drivers side and cross bar, inspection panel in centre scuttle removed.

Very fiddly undoing the plug to the EGR valve but easier with the bonnet down reaching in from the rear once the plastic scuttle is removed.

Top tip, a bit of penetrating oil on the screw heads and go and have a cup of tea. Be careful selecting a good screw driver that fits the screws well and pref with a magnetic head so you don’t drop the screws into the bowels of the engine. A light tap with a hammer for good measure before a firm downward pressure and there we go. Space is really tight at the back so don’t rush this step as once the screws are knackered your into loads of drilling/chiselling and swearing to get them out.
Stepper motor lifted out easily and landed in the garage bin first try!

Basically the piston/plunger assembly felt free and smooth when checking manually so it must be the stepper, this ties in with other peoples experiences.

Reassembly was the reverse of above. Top tip: another member used Gorilla tape to hold the screws on the screwdriver whilst locating into the stepper motor so you don’t loose them into the abyss down the back of the engine. This worked very nicely.

I took the opportunity to reseal the scuttle grommets with silicone whilst it was all stripped down.

Test drive was good, stopped and restarted the engine several times apart from the usual varying rpm at idle post battery disconnection and the DSC/ALB lights flashing following reconnection all seems well.

Mondeo stepper motor & valve £24 off eBay. A bit of sweat, swearing and skin invested but probably saved me about £500 over dealer prices not that I would have used a main dealer but it validates my efforts more I’m sure you understand.

Thanks again for the info passed on by other members, that’s just one of the reasons why this forum is so valuable.