- My model of MX-5 is: 2014 NC
- I’m based near: High Wycombe
- I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: Nothing, just offering my experience
My headlamps are a little cloudy, and having read others experiences I decided to give self-restoration a go, using the Holt Headlight Restoration Kit (£14 on Amazon) and my battery powered hand-drill on ‘slow’. The following sequence shows progress from start to finish. The first couple of images illustrate the ‘before’, then there’s one for each stage of polishing including after the protective lacquer and removal of the masking tape/paper.
Before close up:
After 800 grit wet sanding. Scary!
After 1000 grit:
After 1500 grit:
After 3000 grit (phew!):
After the abrasive polish/soft sponge:
Cleaned up, lacquered and buffed:
After the masking materials removed; the finished article
It’s not perfect, but pretty good and definitely a lot better than before. I’ll do the other side in a few days, but take much longer over it and see if I can get it even better still. If so, then go back and re-do the first one. This isn’t a difficult job - just takes time (about an hour for this one lamp) and belief…