NC PRHT "Smart Top" module?

Has anyone tried the following?
Is it any good?

It’s certainly cheaper than the real Smart Top module. Not too sure about delivery costs though

They have UK/Europe dealers. Click to buy and it should take you there. £149 on my ipad.

Lots of writeup on this on so have a look there. Maker is very active on there. I have his ND window closer module and it works fine.

Had the original on my NC and really liked it. Nice to be able to close the roof at traffic lights and not worry about not being able to drive off if they changed to green. I had set mine at (from memory) a 15 mph speed limit on being able to close the roof whilst moving.

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Hi unfortunately I do not have the alternative module so cant really say much about it. However I do have the Smart Top module and that works perfectly.

From personal experience with purchases and goods, I usually I get my moneys worth so I don’t particularly buy cheap stuff.
However if there is a competitor is good for us. They way I see that if there is a competitor then there is no more product monopoly hence the prices will become more competitive.


Hi, I realise this thread dates back a couple of years but thought I’d add my experience of purchasing and installing the one touch roof controller. Calling it ‘Smart Top’ may refer to a company selling it in which case I didn’t buy from that source. I like many others saved quite a few quid and got one from MXThings. Roof Controller for Mazda MX-5 NC PRHT – MX5things
Pack hade everything in it to do the job. Link to download exe file is included and although first method for Windows didn’t work second did. The use of a pc/laptop connected with the black control box is to set your preferences eg speed limit for roof permissible opening (max is 30mph & is the default). I was happy with all defaults viz. unlatch and roof automatically retracts down. One touch on up button and roof raises, then you just latch lock it as normal. … and … it works. fantastic. However that’s not why I am writing here. There are reports that getting the existing white plug connector out of it’s socket can be troublesome (other words are unprintable). Some guys have not had this grief. I’ve read comments like it can take 5 mins or 45 minutes. We, I had a mate with me and in fact his fingers took most of the strain, tried and failed to remove this connector. The central clip was on the non-visible side of the connector where access is extremely tight. neither mirror or moblie phone could shed light or picture of what we were looking for. We did not give up, the job was done and nowhere have I seen this advice which I’m about to impart. No doubt as it’s so obvious others have gone this route before me and maybe it’s on UTube but I hope this helps.
The unit which you need to swop over connectors has two other connectors plus some chunky wiring so access is poor.
We just unbolted the main metal unit pulled it into a slightly better positioned so the smaller middle connector (earth was disconnected on battery) and right hand connector could be disconnected. This gave us a bit more wriggle room and with a bit of jiggling and manouvering took out the whole unit.

Disconnecting the left most socket was now a breeze.

Photo shows a tiny screwdriver inserted into the stubborn left hand connector released the clip, couldn’t do that in situ.

We did not reconnect up but reinstalled the metal unit and then did the connecting up - so much easier.


Now, that’s a great way of doing it. Twill hopefully help others. Tis a great piece of kit at a fantastic price.