NC1 Rear light Seal, different to NC2 and NC3 Seals?

  1. My model of MX-5 is: NC1 2007
  2. I’m based near: Surrey
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: Rear Light Seals

Someone has kindly reversed into my car dented the rear quarter scraped the bumper and annoyingly cracked the rear light which is a bit borderline for its MOT.

I have a spare light assembly but the seal is in poor condition and I can only find NC2 and NC3 seals online. (Genuine Rear Left Tail Light Gasket for Mazda MX-5 NC)

Does anyone know if those seals would fit an NC1 rear light assembly? The picture on the website above shows the bolt and locating pin holes in the same place. I don’t believe the body changed at all just the bumper on the NC2 meaning the light lens was slightly smaller around the bottom edge.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Yes use the NC2 seal it’s the same.

Thank you. Will get it ordered up.