For those who are suffering from the random “Battery Charging System Malfunction - Pull Over as soon as safe to do so” warnings, I have managed to get hold of an ND (1.5 or 2Litre) DC/DC converter for cars fitted with I-eLoop. This unit is known by Mazda to be the cause of the “Battery Charging System Malfunction” warnings that go away if the engine is stopped and restarted. This fault does not show up as a DTC fault. This unit is from a 14K mileage 2020 ND that has been broken for parts. I have purchased it for the benefit of MX-5OC members who are having the random malfunctions, that have been attributed to the unit. The part number is DJ4V-67Y6Y-C i.e. a revision C design standard and the serial no is 19L094850036. A new DC/DC converter costs £800+ from Mazda. I know because I had to have Mazda fit one on my car to cure the fault. For a club member I would let them have it for what I paid for it i.e. £120 + postage. If there are no takers over the next couple of months, I will put it on eBay for £150. See pictures of the unit below.
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