ND - LED Internal bulb replacements

Changed the normal bulbs in the roof light and boot light to LED’s

They are 13mm

Prise the roof light cover off using a plastic trim tool or other non-scratch tool. Be aware, the cover pops off and can disappear very quickly as it tries to escape!

This it after the bulb has been changed.

Now for the boot (trunk) light. Prise the boot light out from the top using a plastic trim tool or non scratch tool.

This is what you will see. The bulb is in there VERY tight as the end caps have bobbles on them that are inside the spring clips. Prise the bulb out from the TOP of the unit, by pressing down and compressing the bottom spring. Persevere as it is in there tightly.

Here is the new bulb fitted, make sure the LED’s face the plastic (i.e. face away from you) otherwise you will wonder where the light is when refitted (been there, done it, got the “doh” t-shirt)

These are the bulbs I bought from Amazon UK. One of the old bulbs in there for comparison.


Note : The roof light could take a slightly longer LED bulb but the boot light is a MAX of 31mm, anything longer may damage the unit.

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They look a very similar size to the Mk3. Could you feedback in the future on how long they last and if you suffer any discolouration of the plastic lens or other issues. Thanks for the info.

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Not expecting any discolouration - I have had similar LED’s in the footwell lights on my Mk1 for 5 years and no change in the plastic that I can see. Had them on my Mk3 as well and never noticed a change. Not expecting any discolouration as although they are brighter, they don’t produce anything like the same heat as the original bulbs. The Mk1’s are 5 years old.