ND2 left indicator not self cancelling

  1. My model of MX-5 is: __2023 ND2
  2. I’m based near: Fife
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: self cancelling indicator issue

I have not found reference to this on ND models, as far as I can see, in other posts, unless I have missed them.

My ND2 does not seem to self cancel the left hand indicators, no problem with the right hand ones.
Being used to having to self cancel on motorbikes I have not noticed until now, and it is no problem just to flick the stalk up after cornering. But I shouldn’t need to.

I wondered if anyone else has noticed this, or is it just me, again?!

Is there a simple way to fix it? Obviously, it is a warranty issue but I would prefer to avoid that…my dealer is not very handy. About 40 miles away.

Not experienced or heard of this for the ND.

I have had cars where the reset is mechanical based on steering angle and moving an actuator to cancel.

For the ND it seems to be electronic according to the linked description. If you can live with it then you could note it now with your dealer to be looked at when next serviced.

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Thanks Ian, I will do that.
As you say it seems to be an electronic system, I am used to the old “peg and trip” arrangement.

I went for another run after posting and it seems to be more of a “lazy cancel” issue, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t…maybe depends on how sharp the corner is.
On right hand corners the cancelling is immediate as the car straightens up.

I will report it at the service if it doesn’t fix itself.

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I don’t think it works as well as it should. mx5things.com even developed an audible product to warn drivers when the signal was left on.

If it is lazy on left hand corners and immediate on right hand corners it does sound like some sensor/switch arrangement within the steering has slipped/moved. If it is not constant it may be slipping back and forth. May be it is worth taking the covers off around the steering column and taking a look.

I’d try it while stationary, with the engine running, put one side indicator on, turn the steering wheel a bit then back to centre then a bit more and back to centre until you know how far the steering wheel has to turn to reliably cancel the indicator then compare it to the other direction.

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My MX5 2016 does the same, :frowning: