Need gunmetal wheel nuts

Thanks, 82 quid, so yeah those eBay ones are knock off

32mm long I assume they will fit the Bola B1s, will go for those thanks

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If my, long in the past, metallurgy memory serves me correctly those RAYS nuts are marked 7075 which is not Duralumin. Duralumin is around 4% Copper where are 7075 is mainly a tooling plate and main alloy is Zinc with only 1.5% Copper. They are perfectly strong though, exceeding the tensile and yield strength of mild steel by some way. Just take care of using any Copper grease as under the right (or wrong) solution in their hardest T6 condition, which these are, they can experience grain boundary corrosion, which would not be good. That said, it would be very unlikely as the very action of seating the nuts keeps fluids out.