New caliper still sticking

I think I did this, assuming this is what you are talking about when you say shims

These are the photos I took while replacing the caliper and cleaning the relevant bits (back in April)

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My only observation is that I would be lightly filing all the rubbish out of those carrier slots before re-fitting the shims


Ordered the new shims, thanks!

I will file those out a bit today as well.

I have never used the wear indicator springs on my NC
( They are the “B” shaped springs in your picture )
They seemed to bind up the inside pad when fitted.

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My current pads are missing those springs, so thats good I guess?

Its a bit rainy so I didnt take any photos, but here is exactly what I did.

Removed calliper.
Compressed fully.
(with clamp still in) gave the pedal a push just to make sure it didnt fall through the floor (in my head this would also help me check if there was air, idk if it did).
cleaned anti-rattle clips as best as I could.
Gave the rotor a spin without the caliper, to make sure it spun freely as expected.
Put caliper back on.
Turned the car on.
Pumped the brake a few times.
turned the car off.
Caliper did not retract enough, still too stiff.

Anything else I could try, or does a real shop need to have a look.


The rain let up so I decided to try swapping the pads on the front.

While doing this I discovered one of my FR slider pins was pretty solidly gummed up and not working.

I then had sinking suspicion that I had misread the original diagnosis from the mechanic, and upon checking, I had.

They had told me the NSF caliper was seized, I had somehow flipped this and I have quite possibly been fighting with nothing this whole time.

I swapped the pads, cleaned up the pin as best I could (needs to be replaced long term) and gave the pedal a push. Oddly the NSF(FR) piston does seem to be working, but the wheel no longer freely spins like it used to when I release the brakes. I think I have been comparing a partially bad piston to my good piston and essentially trying to solve an impossible issue…

I’m going to order new pins for the FR side tonight, taking the car for a test drive shortly.


Nope, double checked!

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