New car roof woes (mk1 roadster)

So I’ve had my Eunos Roadster for a few weeks now and have just noticed a tiny pin hole in the soft-top over the drivers seat.

I’ve caught the neighbours cat sat on it and think its probably a claw hole (grrrr). It may have been an existing hole but am cat-paranoid now.

I think its a mohair roof (are vinyl roofs plasticy inside?), but I’m not certain. Is there a simple way to tell?

Any ideas on how best to patch this up (will try and get a photo during the day)?
And I’m thinking of getting a half cover whilst the weather is bad (and potentially finding somewhere else to park) are these windscreen + roof covers any good?

Sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance for any help and suggestions.

hello and welcome Cool you might find that such a small hole will not leak.


Mohair roofs are cloth outside and in, vinyl usually are cloth inside (unless really cheap!)

if you can see daylight from the inside you need to fill the hole, if it is pinhole size a dab of glue will suffice (contact adhesive not superglue)

Lets have a look first before you start wasting money that may not be needed.


So here’s some pictures I’ve managed to take this morning (I hope this works).

Sorry for the size (not sure how I can resize)

Interior roof 1

Interior roof 2


Roof exterior close up


Exterior roof 2



Sorry to bump this but can anyone help with any suggestions?



Try loctite 480 a black contact adhesive a small amount when the hood is slack should do it