New Hood

 Hi Guys


I need your help once again. I am thinking of replacing my hood. I currently hav a vinyl hood with a plastic screen but it seems to leak and I can’t find from where. ( Checked the usual drain holes rain rail etc)

So my question. I am in the North West and I was wondering what I should be paying and who should I be buying off. Any of you got any recomendations/

An idea of prices for vinyl / plastic, or Vinyl / Glass. Not really considered mohair as its probably too expensive


Thanks for any help you can give


 I had my vinyl hood supplied and fitted for £245 and that included £25 call out.  This was a company from Romford in Essex though.  Bit of a way from you, although they do travel to fit.  Guy told me they had been down to Portsmouth a previous week!

Alot of people on here use a guy in Swansea who is supposed to be top notch.   Someone will be on here soon with his name Smile

There’s a list of hood suppliers here—

Mazmania, who are in Cheshire have a band of hood fitters in local areas, so may be able to help.



 My wife had a mohair roof fitted about 3 months ago on her 1998 Mk2 by  this fellow .   Nice chap and knew what he was doing. In my opinion he did a very good job especially having seen how other roofs have been fitted.

He was recommended by Carl at CBS Autos Nelson.

Take Care


That would probably be Jack Smith in Swansea.

Jack Smith Trimmers
Rear of 158 St. Helens Avenue

01792 461 022

Jack Smith in Swansea. is not very big, im going back in the summer for another roof. :wink:

Great people very well priced.