New member 2.0 Sport NC1 Chipping Norton

Hello! My name is Phil and I’m new to the scene and have owned my NC MX5 2.0 Sport for a month now. Got one as part of my mid life crisis and absolutely loving it ! These cars are great fun! Wished id have done it years ago ! I went to the National day last week and had a fantastic time!

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Welcome aboard Phil.
You are lucky to be surrounded by many mx5 fun roads! We also went to the National and drove up from Witney (live in Reading) via Burford, Stow and a bit of the Fosse Way, I enjoyed the drive, the show and the drive back to Witney until the heavens opened!

Ah, Clarkson country - You have my sympathies :grinning:

Seriously though, there’s some great roads for the MX-5 around there as I suppose you’ve found out.
Me and my black NC are in a village off the Bourton-on-the-Water to Andoversford road which is my favourite local run. Roof down in all but the foulest weather with a grin on my face.
Welcome to the club.

Welcome and enjoy the NC.:ok_hand:
We stayed in Chipping Norton after our previous Gaydon rally, ate in that pub once owned by Keith Moon. We went on to Blenheim Palace before returning for another night to have a look around a few villages. Love The Cotswolds👍

Thats the crown and cushion hotel.Keith Moon bought it off Lulu. Thanks for the welcome!

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Thanks for the welcome! Had an early morning blat to bourton recently and had a fantastic cooked breakfast ! Happy days!

Thanks for the welcome! Love driving on the fosse way!

Welcome Phil.
South West Midlands area covers Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire.
We are often out and about in and around the Cotswolds.
Check us out and feel free to join us on a drive if you fancy it - we will make you very welcome!

Thank you so much ,i will be definitely taking you up on your kind offer!:blush: