New member based in Warwick, often in Northumberland. NC 3.75 25th Anniversary

Empty Nester enjoying Second Happy.
Been driving the larger family car for a long time, but no longer need the Roomster. MG BGT with loads of chrome before children.

Recapturing a little of that magic. Though the MG was actually pretty gutless and a bit of a money sink with the unleaded conversion other stuff!

Picked up a 25th Anniversary and loving it.

Some intentions:

  • Buy a cap. I now understand why you always see them when the tops are down!
  • Get my trusted garage to poke around underneath and tell me whether I have a bargain or a lemon.
  • Better tyres. Loads of tread, but a no-name brand.
  • Address a little lacquer peeling, apparently some over-zealous polishing by a previous owner.
  • Fix the USB port in the armrest with hopelessly bent pins. Not sure yet whether that is stock in 25th Anniversary or fitted by a previous owner.
  • Get me some Android Auto.



Welcome aboard.

These are always fun whether you enjoy simply driving, driving with the top down or tinkering to make the car your own.
Lots of knowledgeable folk hereabouts so don’t be shy about asking questions.
Also, don’t be shy about sharing your adventures.


Welcome to the club , enjoy , Bamburgh castle nice backdrop :+1:

Hi James,

Good move, acquiring a 25th Ae👍

If you ever venture down to Solent Area, you are always welcome to join us on any of our drives.:sun_with_face::sunglasses::+1:

Check out our programme on the forum😉



Welcome and enjoy, your car looks great.

I have only been a member for a short time but my early impression of the club is very positive, a lot of very interesting, knowledgeable, helpful and friendly enthusiasts.

Buying a cap is definitely a good idea, I can also recommend a hat with ears for top down winter driving.

Welcome Jim ! I’m also based near Warwick … that looks a nice car :wink: hope you can come to the next monthly meeting in Knowle . Kings Head, 1st Wednesday of the month. 7-7:30. I’m Richard and drive a Soul Red ND. PM me if you need any more details. Cheers …

Nice spot, recognising Bamburgh castle.
I was outrageously accused of having an ulterior motive for a run out to the beach, just to get a nice photo!

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Thanks for the invitation to the Warwick monthly meeting. I’ll try and make it next time I’m in town.

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Hard not to spot it mate , my neck of the woods Northumberland.
Some great roads in that vicinity