New member here!

Evening all, hoping to join the crew proper in the near future once I find a nice tidy NC for my weekend adventures…, but just thought I’d say a quick ‘hello’ until then…


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Hi JWithi,

I’m sure you’ll very much enjoy your time with Peaks and Pennines group.

Regrettably, my wife Sue and I have just sold our very low mileage Mk2 (in black, R329 MKO) for a number of reasons but it’s gone to a new owner from the Doncaster area. I recommended the owners’ club to him so perhaps he will join up in the near future.

All the best to you and the other P&P group members and thanks to Burton and Lesley Marsland, who are the area coordinators.

(I’ve tagged this onto your thread because as our club membership has lapsed I cannot start a new one).

Best regards, Paul Wheatley.

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