New member with an ND3 in Gloucestershire

Hi everyone. After 12 years of owning my adored MR2, I’ve finally taken the plunge and bought a 9 month old ND3. How different the 2 cars are. The MR2 is showing its age now although it still sailed through an MoT. It has no tech (not a bad thing at all) but rattles and bumps a bit. I still love it though, and there is no rust! The MX5 is so much more modern in suspension, layout and driving though. However, I’ve already replaced the wind deflector with a perpex one and will be shortly looking for a sports exhaust as I can hardly hear the engine at the moment. Any suggestions? I don’t want anything too noisy. I’m looking forward to getting involved with the club and making use of the forum.

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Hi & welcome, Im also in Gloucestershire, well, Stroud but I hope to see you about sometime, I have a white NC3.
As for asbo free exhausts, it depends on whether you want raspy or more deeper sounding I guess. IL motorsport seem deeper type, Cobra seem raspier too me. BBR GT seem well liked too.
We are spoilt in Gloucs for a really excellent MX5 expert for geo setups, Power mods & keeping the tin worm at bay. Performance Link nr Tewksbury

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Another former MR2 owner here!

There is a South West Midlands area group monthly drive this sunday if you fancy meeting some other local owners.

I’ve great respect for chaps that have been around forever with a love for sport cars that work on our roads. I gave up motorbikes thinking there was no alternative so missed out on the likes of the MX/MR2. I still miss those overtaking opportunities mind….

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Welcome! I too jumped out of an MR2 and into an ND2 and I know what you mean about the differences. I would say though the MR2 was a more raw experience, but just as fun.

Hi Kev, another Gloucestershire owner here.
Black NC1 and roof down unless it’s tipping down or sub-zero :grinning_face: I’m a bit out of Cheltenham on the Oxford side.
Another thumbs-up for Performance Link. Great guys and know MX-5s inside-out.

I’ve got a Cobalt box on mine which gives a deeper note and not too loud, but still gives a good rasp when you put your foot down. I think the ND version is similar.

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Welcome Kev. I swapped out my standard OEM exhaust for a Cobalt back box on my ND. Better loudness but not excessively so and not droney at motorway speed

If you PM me i can send a before and after video clip

Hi. A more raw experience is exactly right, Yoan. I still have my MR2 but am going to have to sell it eventually. The MX5 is a great car and much more modern.

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Hi John. Thanks for that. I’ll have a look at the Cobalt. All I want is a back box and certainly don’t want the motorway drone.

Hi Andy. I’m in Stroud. I also love having the roof down. I’ll pop over and have a chat with the guys at Performance Link soon. A Cobalt box may be what I am looking for. It sounds good, in both ways! :wink:

Hi Beryl. I have had my MR2 as a daily driver for 11 years and looking forward to carrying on with my MX5. I ride bikes and couldn’t possibly stop. I’ve been riding for over 50 years and went to Morocco 2 years ago. Brilliant fun. MX5/MR2 cars are quick but nothing compares with a bike.

Hi Simon. Sorry, I couldn’t make it to the south west midlands group drive recently but hope I’ll eventually be able to join people.

Hi. I’m also in Stroud. I’ll look out for you. I’ve got a red ND3. Standard for a month or 2! Thanks for the exhaust comments.

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Definitely will be looking out for your red ND, mines a white NC3 btw.
Im off to Performance Link the week after next for mapping & an IL motorsport 'zorst- header & backbox. Will post up a before & after if you like.

Hi. That would be great if you can post before and after video. And I will look out for you around Stroud. :+1:t2:

Shame you missed it, I think there were about 30 cars on sunday!
Check out the SWM website for details of future meets/drives and events.

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