New NC owner from Surrey

Hey everyone,

New mx5 owner here from Surrey. Just picked it up today and I’m already hooked.

Got myself a 2007 2.0 litre sport. Few teething issues to sort out with it but so far it’s been a dream to drive and left me smiling ear to ear.

It’s my first RWD car and only my second car
coming from a 1.4 2007 polo (clearly like that year). Looking forward to chatting with other mx5 lovers like myself and seeing what people are doing to theirs!

I’ve only got the one photo so far I’m afraid but I’ll be sure to post some asap. If anyone knows of any events round the Surrey area I’ll be there.


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Welcome to the club! South Central Area covers most of Surrey and half of Hampshire. Come along to one of our meetings to have a chat and ask any questions about your car. We have a wealth of knowledge between all our members and can advise on most things. Alan West

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Welcome along , obviously by the photo it’s already brought a smile to your face :grin:
Enjoy …oh and get ready to raid your bank for modifications :joy:

Welcome to the MX5OC Elliot. That looks a nice True Red Mk3 and glad you are enjoying driving her👍

We are Solent Area and often do joint drives and events with South Central, so look forward to catching up with you and your 5 very soon​:+1::wink:

Solent Area AC

I knew instantly I was going to love the car! Only been about 24 hours but I’ve already been looking at mods!

Endless possibilities when modding :grin:.

Be sure to start with a thorough search for the dreaded tin worm if your planning on keeping a while.

You’ll find enough information on forum regarding all aspects of necessity, routine and optional care to keep her ship shape.