Hi all,
It’s about time I introduced myself, after joining the forum a few months ago and buying my nc2 in January. It’s my 2nd mx5 after having a mk1 briefly for a rally across Europe back in 2012, and getting another one has always been an itch I needed to scratch.
I was torn between paying the extra for a 25th anniversary edition or an older sport tech coupe and having some money aside for mods. The latter won out and I picked up my 2010 nc2 with 21k miles on the clock in Jan.
I’m enjoying it so far, and more importantly my 3yr old daughter loves it. Have done some subtle mods of;
- Stubby aerial.
@Roadie’s wind deflector (big improvement on the standard one).
- Leather steering wheel cover as found the original too thin. Couldn’t justify the outlay for Royal wheels as nice as they are.
- IL Motorsport Alloy pedals.
Future mods are likely to include a trip to BBR for their Super 200 package. Haven’t driven it enough yet to decide if I’ll be making other changes, I’m quite happy with the handling so far.
The forum has already been helpful, so look forward to being around for many years.
Welcome Henry.
Loads of info on here and if you’re not sure, just ask👍🏻
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Welcome to forum Henry (?)
I’m in Esher. perfect timing to get your car and now it’s MX-5 drive time for sure.
Hope all goes smoothly and just enjoy:sweat_smile:

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Nice NC motor, same age and colour as mine but i have only 14k miles on mine…
…really should drive it more.
I also have the BBR 200 and i can wholehearlty recommend it, you wont regret it!
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Hello and welcome from Nottinghamshire.
Stubby aerial is a compulsory upgrade…! 
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hello and welcome!
just out of interest, how much did it cost to buy a 2010 on 21k sport tech?
i got a 2012 on 31k for 11 and a half.
Thanks. I paid £9k which felt like a very good price in the current crazy used car market. I bought privately so no safety net of a warranty, but the previous owner was an enthusiast so cared for it.
It was seeing this car on pistonheads that inspired my choice, but unfortunately I was on holiday when it came up and it was sold by the time I got back.
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Thanks Dave.
Mine is an NB with 98k now, but still plenty of miles to go.
. mileage doesn’t trouble me too much,if car is driven well and look after.
Reluctantly I’m having to sell it now as bigger car needed and need the garage space. About to advertise on this forum first.
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Sorry you’re having to sell, Brian. Looks in good condition for the mileage, I’m sure you’ll have no problems sellng in the current market, especially if the sun makes an appearance.
Drive it temporary today - first time since garaged last October 2021- now can’t resist keeping it. So lovely to drive!!
compared to practical car.
Hope you’re enjoying your new 5 too👍