Hey all.
Where to start?
Well, im waiting for the phone call thats a little later than expected.
Put a deposit on a newly imported 1995 1.8 Black S-special with 35,000 miles nearly two weeks ago, and have been waiting for the dealer to finalise the paperwork, and phone me to say come and collect.Seems the longest 12 days ever.
A bit about myself then.
Im 28, live near Arundel in West sussex.
Had a fair share of cars, this will be my 15th. normally boredom, or problems (Ill explain shortly).
Started off with a mini for my first car, and didnt really get on with it so sold it on. all I could afford myself was a little black 1.3 nova. That was fine until we came to change the oil, to find it was mixed with sawdust. New oil in, nice crankshaft leak. Fixed her all up, but Dad being dad and seeing a sign, recommended getting rid of it, as you never know what else was wrong. (always trusted my Dads feelings with cars).
Had a few cheaper cars then, ford Orions, 405’s and 106’s.
Got some money together and spent some time looking and managed to get a 1988 ford Escort XR3I Cabriolety in Red.
Was owned from new by a valeter, and to say was mint was being understated. Full leather recaro’s, power hood, every optional extra.
Such a nice car, and the only thing ever spent on it, was a dodgy temp sensor. Couple of quid fix.
This was where the problems started.
I sold it on after two years to go Jap. Traded it in for a 1991 S13 200Sx.
Great car, but a little unpredictable on boost in the wet. Especially being a newbie to RWD, and being an idiot with a heavy foot, hoping to impress everyone.
Sold this on to get myself a 1994 Nissan Pulsar GTi-R.
330bhp, this car was a beast. 4wd Wheel spins, was Ugly but fun.
There is always the bad side though. three gearboxes and over £15k later, the car was sold after nine months. Think it was only on the road for maybe 3-4 months at a push.
Was then trying to be a bit more sensible, so had a 1987 205 1.6 GTi (had the wider front track).
Then onto a 1989 BMW 320I, then back to a 1993 200sx again.
Dad and my brother stepped in then, and suggested a Subaru Impreza like they both had.
So three years ago, I bought a 1998 Black Imported Subaru impreza WRX.
Only things I ever did to the car was, Black mudflaps and Black alloys.
(after owning it for over two years, found out one day on the owners club Rolling road day, it had a VF22 Turbo fitted, had been mapped, bigger injectors, rev limit raised, and a short ratio box fitted)
Ran 285BHP on the rollers, and it had a minor Head Gasket leak at the time. Would have been nice to have re-done the test after she was repaired. But was never to know.
sold it on, as was rather expensive to run, and after three years. Was nice for a change. Plus wanted a cheaper, but still fun, car to run, as will be moving out on my own soon.
I had no idea what to buy after I sold the Subaru.
but a mate that has a 1991 V-limited in BRG, suggested a eunos Roadster.
So after my Dad and my Brother sharing the driving, over 900 miles later, one turned up around the corner. (always the way).
So that takes me to today, waiting for the phone call to say its all registered and ready for collection.
I was hoping it was going to be ready by last weekend, but as the dealer said, He’s in the hands of the DVLA.
Ive got no plans for the car, but to keep it standard and running smooth.
Got new plugs, leads, air and oil filters ready to do when I collect it.
Ill post some pictures up as soon as I have it. (also post some of the previous cars too, if anyone wants to see)
Really cant wait, and its driving me mad riding to work everday and having to rely on other people if i need something.
Ive been a member of all the car owner clubs before, and thought id say hello, introduce myself and hope to get to know people.
anyway, I think Ive kept you all long enough.
I look forward to meeting people and having a laugh.
Thanks for reading, sorry its a little long though.
(at work on nights at the moment)