I recently aquired these wheels.
They were in a bit fo a state and needed some work.
Some of the refurbishers I vitsited clearly were not interested in taking them on, but I found a place in Essex where the guy seemed to know what I wanted and told me straight what was involved.
Even he told me that Shadow Chrome, which is what i wanted would not look good on wheels with larger surface area. He said it suited smaller multispoke applications better. However I wanted this and here is the result.The colour and finish is like a light gunmetal but with a chrome overlay which makes it a grey wheels but really shines with any light.
sorry - pics are from my phone and seem to have a blue tint to them.
They are now on the car but its not here at the moment. I have to get hold of the shorter wheel nuts and locking wheel nuts as the standard mazda ones on my car are too long to fit under the covers - similar to BBS set up I beleive.
Ive ordered some shorter nuts which are open ended and locking nuts and also a BBS hub spanner to tighten the covers a little more.
Hope to have all this don with new nuts and the covers on around mid week.
What do you think?