Norfolk Fives Photo Shoot Felbrigg Hall 29th September 2019

 Hi Chris please could you add barry and joan for this event please

HI Chris not sure if you received my first request to join this event ,but would be grateful if you could add barry and joan ,thanks barry

Hi Chris,

Please can you add Andy and Seb 

Thank you and look forward to seeing you all


Can you please put down Phil and Rona for this as well, thanks muchly

Hi Barry I have now added you both to the list.

Many thanks Chris 


Hi Andy and Seb 

I have now added you both to the event

Look forward to seeing you and glad you had fun on the chip run.

Many thanks Chris 


Hi Phil and Rona

I have now added you both to the list

Many thanks Chris 


Hi everyone 

I have now updated the list, sorry I have been slow to update lately as have been very busy organising other runs as well.

This event is looking very busy and will be a great day out and a chance to get some great pictures.

Look forward to seeing everyone.

Many thanks Chris 

Hi Chris,


Please can you add Liz & Jon?

Thank you,


Hi Jon 

i have now added both you and liz to the list.

look forward to seeing you both.

Many thanks Chris 


I am really sorry for the short notice, but I can no longer attend this Sunday, please can you take me of the list Chris. 

Sorry again.



Many apologies but I am not now going to be able to attend this event.


Hey Mr Bence,


As I’m sure your already aware, I’m not a fan of bringing my 5 out in the wet, As the forecast for Sunday is pretty terrible its not looking like ill be able to make this event now

Please add Si Fletcher to the list.



Sorry I am going to have to withdraw from this event.  I hope you all have a great time.


Hi Chris

Am soz am not going to be able to make it tomorrow.

Have a fab day

Jilly ??

Hello Chris,

Sorry that we also have to withdraw from this event.

Hope you all manage to have a good time in spite of the weather.


Geoff and Louise 

Hi Chris, sorry will not be able to make it for this. Hope it goes well.

Sorry Chris,

I’m going to have to wimp out of this one as the weather is looking to be particularly foul.



Hi everyone, everything is still going ahead for today fingers crossed for not to bad of weather. We can still have a nice drive to fellbrigg and get a much needed cup of tea.Thank you for those who let me know they couldn’t make today hopefully we can have better weather for the next photo shoot.

Many thanks chris and see you all soon.