Northumbrian Run

Here is a run that is better in winter than in summer, on deserted roads, that an MX5 was built for.

Start from St Oswins Tea Room (A1 food and prices) on the B6318 Military Road.  This can be accessed from Newcastle travelling east before the drop into Chollerford or from the West up the hill after crossing the river at Chollerford.  Turn right out of the tearoom and drop down the hill.  Turn right onto the A6097 signposted Rothbury.  Pass through Chollerton. At the junction with the A68 cross straight over onto the B6342.  enjoy this road usually traffic free passing Kirkharle (Coffee shop) .At the junction with A696 its a staggered crossover turning right and then immediately left signed wallington Hall.  Follow the road crossing over the single lane bridge track bridge.  The walled garden at wallington is worth a visit if you want to stretch your legs.  Continue on through Cambo, Ewesley enjoying the vistas before dropping dowwn into Rothbury.   Harleys cafe just after crossing the river bridge on your right is a must. 

 Then one return option is through Rothbury to Otterburn on the B6341 , visit the Mill and then head to Bellingham on the B6320.  Then from Belligham its back to Chollerford via Wark on the B6320

 Hope you enjoy it



I remember the area from my Yoof when it was usually done on a motorbike. Remind me, is the road past the walled garden at Wallington the one with the nasty hump back bridge at the bottom of the hill or is that Bellingham? I have memories of a car taking off there and landing on top of another coming the other way.

Just had a look on Google Earth, Wallington, Northumberland takes you to a great photo of the bridge. It can (or could) catch you out if you try and take it too fast.

Yes Peter you remeber well, not only can you take off but visibility of approaching traffic is limited in the MX cause you are so low down.  Another bridge on the route past the Gate pub has an old railway bridge and I took it a bit fast a few weeks ago, you can lift on that as well!  Hoping to get out tomorrow with the hood down the forecast looks OK.


I still have family up there so might try a re-run next time up.

Every school holiday we’d get taken up by our parents to Newcastle and Morpeth where both sides of my family came from. The Rothbury run was one of my faves and I did it back in April when I took my 90 year old grandparents back there for the last time ( they moved south to be closer to my parents.) I’m hoping to go back up some time this month on a little photo expedition.

A great road with some stunning vistas!

 Hi, I’m new to the forum. Hence the 2 year delay in reply.!

Have you done the run from Rothbury, through Harbottle and on to Alwinton then up the Coquet valley out onto the military range and on down to the A68 at Byrness. If you haven’t done that run, have a look - bit dangerous if you were lulled into thinking nothing else on the road but a fantastic bit of countryside. I used to live up there - really is Gods Country - when the sun shines!!

Ssssh. Will you all stop letting the rest of the world in on the hidden gems we Northumbrians have on our doorstep !

If you arrive at Newcastle then turning either north or west will take you to a selection of great driving roads with plenty for passengers to look at whether you prefer your views coastal or unspoilt countryside. The Scottish borders and east Cumbria are within striking distance for a longer run.

Alnwick being my home town I relish the opportunity to get on to the Northumberland/Borders roads whenever I’m down from ‘up north’, some great ones around that area and also to the north too, check them out if you’ve not beeu up this way (just not with the snow at the moment…) Stick Tongue Out

Sounds good from a local’s point of view :smiley:

 Yes - sorry about that, it did cross my mind as I wrote!! A totally unspoilt bit of the country - long may it stay that way.

 I love zooming up the coastal route from Morpeth, through Ulgham, Widdrington, Amble, then Warkworth, Alnmouth. Just been out a week ago up through there. God’s Own Country as you say!

Dropped on a nice run into the back of Alnwick - coming off the A1 at S. Charlton and heading south on the B6341.

Just done the Jim Clark pilgrimage to Chirnside and Duns. Then took the cross country route (B6355) up to Gifford. Brilliant driving roads up there.

The B6341 used to be the A1 back in the day. The town centre was bypassed in 1970 but that stretch from South Charlton with the long climb continued for a good few years after that. Must have been a mare stuck behind a line of heavies. Following the road for it’s length takes you on a cracking drive via Rothbury (hopefully overcoming recent notoriety) across to Otterburn where there is the option to turn towards Carter Bar and the border, Kielder or back south via the fantastic A696.  

 I must really try that run again (as it’s been many years since I’ve taken that route across to Rothbury (and it’s so easy for me to do from where I am!).

I headed up the A1 the other day, and just kept going until before I knew it, I’d gone past Berwick, heading towards Edinburgh!! So I took a detour along the East Lothian Coastal Route (really recommend it!) and then into North Berwick (where I have some friends, so stopped overnight and then zipped back home early next morning for work!). Glorious scenary guys, wonderful summer’s eve and a good day to be alive in the Five!! So it was a 'sort of ’ Northumbrian Run that somehow went beyond the map!! and county boundary. So easy just to get carried away on a fine day with the hood down.


 Just done Amble to Seahouses down the coastal route and hopefully going from Belford to Rothbury tomorrow. The north east has some awsome roads, but dont tell everyone or they will be full!

Too late you already have told everyone - well on here at least lol and as we are heading to the area tomorrow for a few days im sure we will be taking advantage of the fab driving roads in the area.

 Just back from whizzing up the Berwickshire Coastal Route (SE Scotland) starting on the A1 south of Alnwick (Northumberland) then northwards to Berwick, onto the coast at Coldingham, then exploring St.Abbs (lovely) before continuing up to North Berwick. Also explored Duns and Chirnside - gorgeous country and great country roads for the Five!!