Oil dipstick and slight over filling?

Here are my definitive answers:

Last post here: Bought newer dipstick - #13 by DuratecNC

And here: http://www.duratecnc.co.uk/?p=165

Here is turret oil and shift bush: http://www.duratecnc.co.uk/?p=728

I 've posted links before, you know where to find them. You’ve read them.
If you’re new here and haven’t, please do, it’s what they’re there for.
You can leave a question or comment on there, throw your sandals at the screen, whatever.

The reason I write those is so people can educate themselves with good factual information and so we don’t have to discuss the same topics over and over again on a daily basis on the various platforms.

I think I may write a blog on forum knowitall knownothings. You know the type, they think they know everything because they read it on the internet, not through being properly educated, trained and experienced.
Then they get all arsey when you point out the error of their ways. :roll_eyes: