Old Eunos Mk1 Advice please

Wonder if anyone can give me some advice. My father in law passed away at Christmas, he was an active member of this forum until his illness I think ‘Pollyanna’ was his username, based in North Yorkshire.
Left gathering dust in his garage is his old Eunos import, we are at a loss as to what to do with it. Probably worth very little 160,000 kms on the clock, not been driven for probably 6 months and we were wondering what the best way of moving this on given that we don’t really know much about. Autotrader doesn’t seem to have a market for these, a dealer wouldn’t be interested, so really only an enthusiast who wants a project to tidy up and work on. I plugged it into his ctek this afternoon, to see if it will charge so we can turn it over, fingers crossed. Would Facebook market place be the easiest/simplest platform to try to move it on?

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Hi Alan, so sorry for your loss. You can sell on this forum MX-5s & Roadsters For Sale - MX-5 Owners Club Forum as to a estimated value, you could post a picture here with a few details. Is it manual/auto? Reg number so we can check the mot history on gov.uk . From a quick search for Pollyanna on the forum, I see that it is from 1992 and passed mot in 2021 with no advisory’s. Also 160000 km is not high mileage considering the age. (About 100000miles. )

There is currently a poor example of a 1992 Eunos v spec for sale on autotrader for £2999 so yours has to be worth at least that!
Similar mileage at 173000km here is the last mot for comparison. A shed load of advisories!

Thank you Jacob appreciate that, I’ll go back over to the mother in laws house in the next day or two and roll it out and take some pics, as I said I really don’t know what a car of that age/mileage should be advertised for so hopefully some pics would give a ball park. Thanks again. :slight_smile:

That’s interesting, and far more than I expected, thanks Jacob. From what I can see he was a ‘tinkerer’ always making and modifying, whether that will detract from value depends I suppose on how well he did those things!

On the odo of a Eunos, is in miles or Kms it’s confusing on the dial as it says kms under it, but auto trader says that the car has done 159,000 miles?

Autotrader always lists in miles. But Eunos odometer is always in km. there can be confusion on mot certificate as well. Many testers will enter the km reading as miles, giving a false reading.

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Thank Jacob, that makes sense now, appreciate that :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry to hear about the passing of Pollyanna, he was a valued and supportive member here for many years.


Sorry to your family for your loss.

Given that the car has stood for at least 6 months, I’d be careful ‘cold starting’ it. Best to check all fluids and belts first. I’d do an oil change and crank it without a spark a few times first.

Good luck with the sale, I’m sure someone on here will like it as a project.

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Thank you Ian and nurburg, appreciate your comments and will pass on to the rest of the family :slightly_smiling_face:

And many, many thanks to ‘ast’ for reinstating this thread

If you take the fuel injection fuse out of the fuse box under the bonnet (drivers side near the bulkhead) you can crank without any fuel being delivered. Turn it over for a few seconds til you see the oil pressure come up to about 1-2 bar on the gauge at the top of the binnacle. This will prepare the bearings for the first start.

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great, thanks appreciate that advice JR :slight_smile:

I’d also check what battery is in there. It will obviously be as flat as a pancake. If its the type that vents into the boot, take it out and the plastic undertray, and give everything a bit of a clean and light greasing, Non-factory batteries can be a bit tall and awkward to get out, plus, if you are not careful, ding the wing. If the battery can hold charge, I wouldn’t worry if the battery is the right type or not. That’s for the next keeper.

Either advertise it via an enthusiast site, or consider a specialist auction. There are a lot of people out there who either think these are just cheap little cars to run into the ground, or have an unrealistic idea of what a 33 year old car should be like.

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Thanks ‘ast’ I switched on the ctek when I was over there yesterday, I’ll pop over this eve and see if anything is happening. I’ll research what sites I can post it up to once I get it started and pics taken, I know pollyanna (Alan) did a few ‘unique’ mods to the car so I’d better make sure they are all listed so no surprises
cheers AlanH2a

I’d also like to express how sorry I am to hear about @Pollyanna.

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Hi, Sorry to hear about Pollyanna, I remember his forum contributions. You could try contacting Goodwood Sports Cars on the web or facebook. He buys and sells good MX5’s and Eunos’s. He’s in Northumberland but will travel for a good car.

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Thank you Bob, appreciate the info
Cheers AlanH2a

Hi Alan
Sorry to hear about his passing. He gave me invaluable advice about refurbishing my wooden steering wheel. I finished this about 2 months ago and emailed him to say so, no reply , now understand why

For disposing - find all info, type if its a eunos, black or tan interior, auto or manual, 1.6 or 1.8 colour etc mot history

Contact your local area coordinator who will proba ly know the car and is best person to advise on co dition and price. Certainly this site may be best but do not discount autotrader. As a general guide poor eunos £2500 good one £5-6k.

Local area coordinator name tel no etc in back of magazine

Get it running

If you have spares let me know


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