The listed number belongs to the comic who left P H - he says P H are no longer trading - anyone got the correct number
please, much appreciated
The listed number belongs to the comic who left P H - he says P H are no longer trading - anyone got the correct number
please, much appreciated
I found this on the internet, is this the number you have tried?
It’s P M Sports Cars Ltd now Gerry, try the number below.
01332 854760
Yes - it is, sorry, I need a different number. - I doubt P H have ceased trading - too much stock. The guy that answers that number had a long standing beef with P H, which I’m aware of.
Thanks for trying anyway - good of you.
So you don’t want the current resident(s) at that address, the ex resident wherever they are now.
Can the powers that be alter the name and number as per this post in the link above relating to local suppliers please? I’ve been passing the wrong info ( name and phone number) to various people in the Club for spares, all obviously getting the same result I did earlier today. Thank you.
Hi Gerry
Paul Higginson of PH sportscars seems to be completely out of the picture now and PH sportcars Ltd stopped trading at least 3 years ago - there is an active proposal to strike the company off.
PM Sportcars Ltd operates with its direct Michael Beckett and seems to have taken it all over, lock stock and barrel.
The guy who fell out with Paul Higginson used to work alongside him at PH Sportcars - he still operates and is junkyard dog on the MX5Nutz forum.
Morning Rhino! Just to add, he’s also out of the game I believe?
Morning Barrie
I cannot get the link to work:-(
He may have retired?
Name was John from memory - generally knew his stuff about MX5s but unfortunately my memory of him at PH Sportscars was not so clever. He looked me straight in the eye and assured me that MX5 immobiliser boxes would work with any ECU - if only that were true:-)
Just found this post on Nutz…
Last post 27/8/17 - Oh dear!
This is his current set up: