What is the best way to clean and maintain perforated leather seats? Any leather cleaner or conditioner applied is likely to just end up in the perforations, at best it won’t do the job it’s supposed to do, at worse, could it actually be detrimental to the materials underneath? Can anyone suggest a suitable product & technique?
There are various spray cleaners on the market which would be the best route.
Avoid using any conditioner cream as it will collect in the perforations, creating a real mess!
In terms of application with perforated leather, less product is better. I would apply sparingly to a microfibre towel, not directly to the seat and then work it in.
Inevitably the perforations do fill with product, which I’d then work out with a small soft brush then continue to wipe with a fresh microfibre. For brushes, if you don’t have anything suitable, pick up a pack of baby toothbrushes. This may sound strange, but the bristles are very soft, they’re easily available in supermarkets and aren’t expensive
Do you have a cleaning product in mind already, or do you need recommendations? As mentioned already, you need a leather cleaner, not a conditioner. As modern car leather is not as it once was and has a clear lacquer applied. So the conditioner won’t really be absorbed.
last time I did mine I used some wipes, worked really well. I think they were maguiars ones. My perfs were definitely not clogged!
Thank you for all your replies, very helpful!