Photos of Solent members at Milestones Christmas Market 3rd December 2022

Photos of Solent members at Milestones Christmas Market
Thanks to Chris & Jue, Doug & Christine, Ron & Angela,John & larissa for joining Patricia and I for the country drive to the Milestones Museum Christmas market, sadly Bob & Val were unable to join us as Val was feeling under the weather, however my contact at Milestones ‘Hope’ was able to issue them a refund. We were unable to get a full group photo so please make do with separate groups, some a little on the ‘shaky side’. Well worth going plenty of stalls, and I am sure we all went home feeling very much in the Christmas mood.
Shaky Photos of us all.

Ron & Angela under the missletoe or so they thought!

Mayor & Mayoress

Patricia just can not get away from her 34years working for ‘Boots the Chemists’

Great menu

The Fantasic Choir

Not forgetting the stalls and decorated vehicles…