PRHT - Roof deck rubbing and snapped wire

  1. My model of MX-5 is: NC
  2. I’m based near: Southampton
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: PRHT - Roof deck rubbing and snapped wire

I’m have and issue with the PRHT deck rubbing on the roof when down. I have taken a look and found a snapped wire near the lifter mechanism on the right hand side. I’ve not been able to work out what this actually does and my searches here have drawn a blank.
Can any one here give me any insight?

In one of the previous queries they mention “roof hook cable” is that the one?

The “roof hook” cable might be wrongly adjusted or loose. Orange arrow points to it.

Roof hook is between the seats and holds the retracted roof in place, but when not in use (ie when the roof is closed) it can rattle a lot with a clonking noise if the cable is slack and nuts loose.

Thank you @IanC , That’s the one. It’s actually snapped but at least I know what it’s meant to action.
I’m going to have to repair it myself as I’ve been quoted almost £900 my my local service department for parts and labour.

You may find some useful information here:

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Very useful. Thank you @IanH