Recommendations for Mk2 new wheels

  1. My model of MX-5 is: Mk2.5 1.8
  2. I’m based near: Uxbridge
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: replacing current wheels which strangely are 14" with what I believe is the correct size - 15". Don’t appear to be many options apart from a brand new set unless anyone has some suggestions on where to look?


I recall some Mk2.5 came with 16"s also…

Good list of the “standard” wheels here: Table of Wheel Weights

As for where to look - ebay, gumtree, the “for sale” section on here?


Big Brake cars had 16" (Typically 6 speed sport) some exceptions


There is a specialist MX5 breakers in Oakham - link here - Mx5SparesUk

They will have lots of NB/NBFL wheels as a guess.

I had an alternator from them and would use them again if needed.

Slight caveat - older wheels can sufffer from porosity (the original wheels on my current NBFL did) so maybe ask them to confirm anything you’re interested in is holding pressure.

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