what is the opinion about using this additive in the tank of a 2004 MX5 with 75000 on the clock god idea or bad
Most people say these things including a Terraclean treatment at circa £100 make a difference.
They always have no figures for before and after acceleration or dyno readings to compare things with.
Others claim reductions in fuel usage but again not under controlled conditions.
Therefore I believe it is unlikely that there will be a measurable difference under controlled conditions others convince themselves it did make a difference.
They actually work very well - usually to well!
As the gum and gunk is removed by them they are displaced around the engine and can be stuck in areas you don’t want them such as valve seats etc.
We use the ASNU fuel injector diagnostics/cleaning method which provides a before/after flow report and new injector seals so you can see scientifically how well restored your injectors are - more details can be found here about the process:
Hope this helps
Used it for years on new and old cars with various mileage.
Used it directly into the piston cylinder whenever i purchased a different car to have a ‘Clear out’ and then used it in the tank (in the 70’s/ 80’s not in today’s vehicles). Never had a problem and continue to use it today in the tank on both of my cars and my wife’s car.
You will get lot’s of different opinions on any forum you ask the question. At the end of the day it’s down to what you want to do. £10-£12 for 1ltr of redex so you have to ask the question will you get that money back plus in fuel savings? Probably not. Will it give you peace of mind that you are helping to keep the engine running well and as clean as possible? Maybe. Will it give you extra performance from your engine? Maybe, maybe not. Worth doing a before and after test to satisfy your mind.
Whatever you choose, good luck and enjoy your Mx-5 and look after her.
Ah RedeX, happy memories. My Dad used to swear by it, and behind the steering wheel on his brand new Morris Isis (1957), he fitted the Lubrocharger which was sort of an S shaped glass tube with a couple of needle valves to allow a trickle of RedeX and some air into the inlet manifold, and the same bracket also incorporated a vacuum gauge so you could see how economical the engine was running.
In those days in Africa the Drive-in cinema was all the rage, and we two children would be in the front of the car, and the two parents in the back. Naturally this small boy played with the knobs on the Lubrocharger - monkey see, monkey do. When it came time to leave although we were at 5000 feet altitude there was this heavy sea fog billowing across the ranks of cars behind us in the queue to leave and it took a minute or two for the penny to drop in my Dad’s head that it was our car producing this. It must have used almost a pint of Redex in only five minutes, an instant decoke. I rather felt it when we finally got home, and while the memory of a sore behind has long gone the thought of those rolling grey clouds reducing visibility to a few yards still makes me and my sister smile.
These days I would suggest just using a couple of tankfuls of V-power. It might even pay for itself with more mpg.
I would recommend the Terraclean system. Had my Mk3 done shortly after buying it. There has been a noticeable improvement in performance and fuel consumption. Do I have scientific before and after figures? No. But I know I’m getting more miles on a tank of fuel than before and under normal driving conditions it accelerates better from a standing start. In my opinion, Terraclean was worth every penny and once done you won’t need to do anything else for a good few years/miles.
Hi there, can you give any more details on applying redex directly to pistons. Which product, how much and how long do you leave in before firing up? I assume this helps clean any gunk around piston rings? Cheers
Marsh5 last visited the forum 5 years ago.
There is a more recent thread on Redex etc so you will likely get a better response there.
Closing this one.