Reducing the number of clicks....

I read this somewhere this week and have been trying it out. It isnt the perfect solution but is does seem to cut down the number of clicks and because I can see all mesasages in one long list I can immediately see the ones that might interest me.

From the Shortcuts box in the top right hand corner select

‘Posts you have not read’

Then from the drop down box, select as appropriate - I’ve been going for ‘newer than one day’

Hey-presto you have all new posts in one list rather than split accross umpteen sub forums

Have a go and see what you think 


I think that this is what most of the people who have settled in to the new forum are doing, since it is a lot easier (and faster) than going in to each forum/subforum

 It still needs a link to take the reader to the first unread post in a thread, though, instead of only having a choice of either the very beginning of the thread or the very last post …

yes it does, but the CS software developers think they know better and never added that as standard.  Whether its a mod we can do I’m not sure yet…


 Given what I think I’ve just discovered about how clever (or not) the forum software is in terms of knowing when a user was last logged in (see my post in the main “new forum” thread), and therefore which posts in a topic they have and haven’t read, I’m starting to think that the answer might be ‘no’ to that one, Martin [:(]. Oh dear …