replacement rear plastic window

Hi gents & ladies

Disaster my rear plastic window has cracked (not bad for 15 years old) i have checked and i think it is the original soft top.
My question is i am looking for a company to replace the window in the north west can anybody recommend one for me please or am i going to be better just getting a complete new soft top ??

Cheers in advance


These guys are in Knutsford, about 40 miles, well worth the trip.

I believe that they can do a new window but if tyhe hood is 15 years old then a replacement may be due 

Kew Coach Trimmers of Southport (no website but Google them)  I have this MR2 thread with his details on them (about half way down the page, the picture of the black and yellow leather interior)

 Did my back window in a couple of hours for £100.

booked in tomorrow to have a new roof fitted thanks very much Sir!
only question is mohair or vinyl :slight_smile: