Replacing Bose stereo

  1. My model of MX-5 is: 2007 Hard top NC (mk3) with Bose stereo__
  2. I’m based near: Birmingham __

Trying to replace my bose stereo with a pumpkin auto stereo using an incartec kit designed for it and i’m struggling… Have been unable to get hold incartec to give help.

Kit has a blue/white wire that I need to wire into stereo for amp on - thats all fine but has a white/blue cable that I need to write into the car for amp on and just says “you will need to identify this wire” - nothing matching in colour, any one any ideas?

Also the steering wheel controls need wiring in but i’m not really clear where I am wiring into?

Have included pictures of as much as possible. If anyone can be of help, would be grateful.



Definitely try incartech again. I had great service from them previously including making a bespoke connector for me.

Ultimately i’ve got a expensive kit and stereo sat there that I can’t use, and there is a recent comment I have seen about lack of technical support from them. I’m not discounting getting a reply, but there must be others who have done this out there, i’ll be honest I am surprised why the kit isn’t totally plug and play or has clear instructions given that its meant to be specific to the nc/mk3 with bose.

Is this any help?..

I spent ages looking but can’t find a post on the Facebook group in the last couple of weeks asking a very similar question. Pretty sure it turned out there was a cable/connector missing for him, and the blue wire thing was obvious when he got the missing bit.

The steering wheel controls on mine were a bayonet connector to the stereo and an obvious connection to the cars electrics.

You might have already seen this thread? Some good stuff in here

Thanks, yes it does a bit…think the steering wheel controls are clear now, although its the other kit available so while I can see the blue/white cable, I can’t see the white/blue cable on there I have with my kit.

Thanks, I think i’ve got all the bits, from @MickAP link the steering wheel bits make sense, so its just this other white with blue stripe cable now which doesn’t seem to be something on this kit (I can see the blue cable with white stripe cable that i’ve got.) - without this cable i’ve got no amp which is a bit of an issue.