Replacing my Winter Tyres - thoughts Nankang or Kumho

Oh for God’s sake that was 50 years ago , when we used to laugh at Japanese cars and deluded ourselves that British was always best . That ended well for our car industry …

We live in a global economy where stuff can be made anywhere - judge it by its quality, not its country of origin

205/60/16 Pirelli Snow.

Can anyone offer guidance for me please?

Before she died my wife had the above on a BMW, which I still have stored away, on steel 5-hole rims.

I would like to look at fitting them to my 4-hole 2023 ND 1.5. If this could be done, what is the hole gap spec I need to look for (I know that is not the correct term), when looking for a replacement steel rim?

Any guidance would be appreciated please, after recent struggles in the cold weather.

I can’t answer most of your question, but I think the term you are looking for is Pitch Circle Diameter (PCD) which defines the circle the wheel mountings sit on

PCD for the ND is 4x100.

OEM wheel is a 6.5Jx16, ET45 offset. Centre bore for the wheel is 54.1 mm.

Original 16" tyre size is 195/50/16 though, so these tyres would be the wrong profile.