Request for STHT Articles

Hi Everyone,

We have received an email from Iain Fleming, yesterday afternoon, as given below.

If you are currently undertaking a rebuild and can help by writing something up something for the magazine, it would be greatly appreciated by all.

Best Regards

The Solent Team


Your Build - Project needed

Unfortunately the owner of the project car that was due to start in the next magazine has withdrawn for the time being, which means we are going to be short on a ‘your build’ feature for the June Edition. While we might be able to replace that for this edition, the feature has become popular with members, so we are on the look out for members to feature and cover their restorations and rebuilds from start to finish, Normally we begin the search for a new project, once a new project begins and we get members submitting their projects regularly, right now this has not happened so we are on the look out for a member to cover

If you know of member who are currently tackling an MX-5 restoration project the Editorial team would love to hear from them - help is available to compile the projects stories into articles, but having documented pictures of the work tackled is the most important asset, please ask them to email with where they are at with their project.

Huge thanks

Iain Fleming