Responding to club emails

I am happy to receive emails detailing events and functions so thanks for that. Unfortunately, each time I attempt to respond I get an email from Gabby explaining that she has stood down as area coordinator.
Do my repies get through to the desired recipients?

Hello Guy,

If the mails are sent using the Club system (which is the most likely option) then the return address should be to ‘lincolnshire [at] mx5 etc etc’.

The mailboxes associated with that address format are usually managed by the respective Area Coordinator. If Gabi is still picking these up then whoever is currently assuming the AC or other coordination role (and generating the mailings) for Lincs should be set up with access.

The AC Liaison Team ‘acl [at] mx5 etc etc’ should be able to sort this out hopefully. I’ve given them a ping.

Dave and I will pick this up and investigate.

Area Coordinator Liaison

Hi Helen,
There is a new AC ready to come on stream. Will catch up with you shortly.