RETYRED meeting in June

Hi to all the North Thames Club members, ‘ and others ‘ ( Kent, Essex, herts etc All Welcome
On the 15th June 12 o’clock There is to be a RETYRED 5s meeting at the Lovely old and charming “ WOODMAN “ Pub situated just outside Ongar Essex
155 London road Stanford Rivers Ongar CM5 9 QF… the pub can be viewed on the internet …
The Weather should be fine by June. But I have arranged for the contingency ,
A large outdoor Garden enclosure has been earmarked. Just in case,…. The Garden of this pub looks over beautiful Farmland…The Pub has three car parks But because We like to watch over our little beauties I have arranged for the bottom secluded car park to be unlocked on the day ( within eyesight of where we will be seated Etc, ). The food is excellent And will have waiter service on the day attending to our needs, I can Recommend this lovely old pub. Full of charm with lots of good beer, Hope some of you can make it on the day 15th June at 12 o’clock The reason for the early attendance is because this particular pub is very popular in summer , so we need to get the cars parked and seated before it gets busy ….
There is a large garden with dozens of large tables So If you chose to sit in the garden instead of the covered portico Then the Choice is there for you…I would like some indication of who and how many will be attending So that I can get plenty of seats arranged. So that we can all chat in a designated area. Please put this date in your diaries You won’t be disappointed And all our cars will be in a designated ( separate car park ) where we can look at them grouped together Etc… Many of you in Essex will already know this lovely old 16th Century pub…Best regards from Ray and Sue. keep safe hope to see you on the day … Ray.… or