Right above front arch dent from footbal

Can you believe parked in a car park and this kid was playing with football and saw the ball flying and landes

on my car …I nearly collapsed :disappointed:I have a dent …see what you think I tried to find and got some quotes like £250.00 but am not sure why so much …the paint is not cracked or anything ,would you mind anyone take a look please. The thing is am struggling to find a garage that is dealing with dents I don’t trust these mobile guys come around and then if he crack the paint I have to re sray :flushed:oh God…

I had a mobile guy come out and fix a dent like that on my Mazda6. He did a great job and you’d be hard pressed to see it now. It cost about the same as you’ve been quoted. Less than my insurance excess so I just sucked it up and had it done.

These days it’s hard to go through life dent free. I just p’xed my Mazda6 for Mazda3 Sport. Lovely car, one owner, mint condition. One week later I parked in Tesco and came back to a ding in the door. C’est la vie.

Wow… what can I say…I see what you mean is so difficult to be dent free I always park so far from the entrance and still big 4x4 park next to me I actually saw a driver open his door and was touching mine like nothing happen!

I’m sure that some dent removal was happening at the National at Sywell a couple of years ago - maybe check whether a similar company is attending the upcoming National if you’re going? Traders often do special deals at shows.

Sorry to see your dented wing but from the photo it looks pretty fixable.
The edge of the dent appears soft and factory automotive paint is usually remarkably resilient.
Have a look for paintless dent removal specialists in your area and read their reviews.
I think you can be confident in a well respected specialist removing that dent so that you’ll never know it happened.

Good luck and please let us all know how you get on :+1:

Body shop that I’ve used (not for dents) charges £70 per panel so long as you haven’t got 100 dents in just one :grin: within reason. That was last year.

I had a guy come to me in Kent and he did a fantastic job, my dent was worse than yours because it was right on the arch line and he had that and another dent sorted inside an hour.

Am not sure yet but more likely yes, I wanted to have it fixed before I turned up to the national so is not visible. But now you saying that maybe there isa company … it is an option but really want to have it done before .See if I can repair it before :blush:

Wow …that sounds impressive I am just looking now online thank you , will let you know how I get on !

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Kent… I live in Berkshire in Windsor , am just having a look now lets see ,thank you for your post hopefully will find someone .

If all else fails in terms of timeframe, put a club sticker over it and then everyone will just think you’re supporting the club :slight_smile:

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I just saw your photo so… did he removed the cover from inside and push it out?

Apologies I saw south central but didn’t quite know where.

is ok …I saw your link looks good you see there so many guys out there I picked up a mobile dents etc…on the website Paintless dent repair bla bla when I rang him he said ohhh…£ 328.00 including re spray the paint ,I said you have not seen it yet as in live he said well more likely we have to re spray the paint I said no thank you.
Hve to be careful cause some websites look good and then you go there and they damage the car even more :pensive: Kent is so far from me though…

I suppose have to keep looking…

Have a look for Marc the Dentman. He is in Earley and thats no problem for him to fix. He did a car park ding my wifes formentor gained shopping in Bracknell. He did a spot on job and was £75 plus vat.

The dent removal chap is coming to the National, but quite understand you want it sorting before turning up :+1:t3:

Unless you drop him a line and get it done round the corner early doors!


Thank you I will give him a call.

Hmm…really prefer yes before turning up with this hole.

:smile:Good idea actually!