Roadster Side Decal

 Anybody know of a supplier of Roadster side (door) decals please?

 What size? what colour? what font?

Do you have any pic’s of what you are after?


These are nice; the guy spent a lot of time getting the font size just right. Too often, if they are not done the right size, they look gash. There are some cruddy looking ripoffs on ebay at times.

Pretty sure he can do you “Roadster” if you wish. I prefer the Mazda/Eunos font to the Roadster scribble though. has the Roadster font set (TrueType I think).

Drop an email to he may well be able to help you.

 Thanks, all, for the quick response.  Ideally, I want the decal to cover the door panel from the stonechip line to the bottom of the door (4") and even better if it can also cover the sill, which is another 6.5".  The font must be the same as the standard Roadster font that is displayed on the rear badge.  If you remember the early Porsche Carreras, they had exactly the kind of decal that I am looking for - especially if the first letter ® is larger than the other letters and extends above the stripe.  My particular car is a red Mk2 RS, so I want a white stripe with red lettering, with Roadster RS rather than just Roadster.  Thanks again Big Smile


Like this:

He might work with you to make something specifically sized for what you have in mind.

That’s it!  Perfect.  Many thanks AT, I’ll get in touch with them forthwith.


This might help:


 That’s exactly it, AT.  Presumably supplied by R2 Ltd?

Thanks again Big Smile


Indeed the are :) 

I think that might be a Photoshop mock-up on R2’s car, but it gives you an idea of the look.