Hi guys, as above. I’m definately going for one or the other (Virgos are notoriously bad at making decisions, so please don’t add other suggestions!) and I would like your opinions on both of them please.
Rota Grid

or Rota GT3

I have a MK1 s-special which is slightly lowered and currently running with 14" Eunos alloys. Whichever of these I choose will be in 15", either by 6.5 or 7.
I was originally going with the GT3, but the more I look at the grids, the more I like them and think they’ll suit the car.
I don’t like either of them tbh
If it were me I would fit a set of Rota RBs, Scorpios are very decisive
Out of rthe two i would go with the Grids. I’m after a set of zero’s but not sure what offset to go for.
Grids, but the Grid-V version which is nicely dished.
GT3 is a more classic look if you want you car to look more period/ retro. grid if you want it to look more modern. Check out what offsetting they come in too, for 7" wide wheel a 30 mm offset will keep the tire just within the lip of the arch.