Rust and rust bubbles around wheel arch

I understand this topic has problem been discussed a million times on here.

Attached are some pictures of the wheel arches on myx5 nc.

How hard or easy would it be for a complete novice to repair them?

Really depends on what you find underneath, bubbles are usually the tips of proverbial icebergs, if she were mine I would get stuck in there, but only because I know the cost of not doing so for any prolonged length of time can be financially crippling. Good luck :+1:

That won’t just be on the surface. It will need the best part of a new wing.

In that first pic you can probably get away with doing a DIY job, it’s easier and won’t get noticed so much. I did mine around the arch lip to treat a couple of thumb size bubbles in the paint on my previous car (see pic)
The other ones are tricky to get matched in with rattle cans, especially silver or a metallic type finish. Depends how picky you are. That wheel arch lip looks like it’s been painted before to me.:thinking:

I’ve just fetched mine back this very week from the body shop, no rust just some scrape and stone chipping to deal with.
When I had an estimate the guy said he was apprehensive about MX-5’s as the last one he did proved to be more than just a blow over with paint.
Until you dig into it you don’t know what lurks beneath.

Thanks for all the replies, can anyone point me towards a video that can show me how to do it?

Take a look on here . Mk3 MX5 Rusty rear arch repair - NC - YouTube