Self painted alloys

Decided to self paint my NB wheels black instead of paying a professional or buying a second set, bit of a gamble, but I’m very happy with the end result! Took my time, sanded, 3 x primer coats, 3 x paint coats and a laquer coat. The red and black theme is coming along nicely!


They look good :+1: my experience of black wheels is that you need to keep the tyres clean with something like a tyre sheen otherwise the tyres can look a bit old and knackered


By the looks of it you’ve done a great job!


Good work. we did that too. Easy to touch up any kerbing too!

BTW, after recovery on a nice flatbed lorry, the tyre in the photo was inflated and checked by tyre firm and found to be OK (as was the rest of the car apart from the exhaust needing a wee welding)!


Cheers mate! Good point, I’ll have to keep an eye or two on the tyres :+1:t3:

Nice job. Recently done mine.

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