I’m intrigued as to why the vendor spent so much money on a high-end conversion to a base car that wasn’t especially good? I love the idea of a sleeper, but the Euphonic was one of the shoutier special editions, and this one needs a lot of body work (before you even look at the chassis legs). I think I’d need a plan to transplant it all into a fully rebuilt NA, as per Rocketeer’s original demo car. Might be viable for someone if the selling price is low enough.
Interested to see where this one ends up.
Love NBFL’s and having had the bodywork suspension and interior done to my liking mine is certainly ripe for a rocketeer conversion, just curious why the owner has put that lovely if expensive engine in before getting the rest of the car tickety boo. Either way hope he gets a bid that meets his reserve, even with work still to do it is a cracking car I am sure.
With all that power it could end up in a ditch!
Unlikely on *’ Quality Goodyear Eagle tyres fitted all round showing fair condition and decent remaining tread ’
why did i have to scroll through 827 photos to get to the golden egg of an engine!?
For that sort of money, i feel like having a bid after a beer myself!
Brakes caught my eye though… am i being daft, or am i seeing one side of the car with a completely different set of pads to the other… didnt change the entire axels together?
Looks like EBC Yellow Stuff all round to me.
maybe i missed it on the little phone screen. i only saw it on 1 side of the car i thought.
ignore me then
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