SmartTOP unit DIY advice

  1. My model of MX-5 is: 2011 Sport Tech PRHT
  2. I’m based near: Hemel
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: DIY SmartTOP like module

Hi all, got caught in the rain on the motorway in almost stop and go traffic, but no one was coming to a full stop so I couldnt put the top up. Needless to say, I would prefer not to do that again.

Has anyone been able to make their own SmartTOP unit, or found a cheaper alternative?

I found this document which has what appears to be the pinout to the current system, but under OBD it just says its sending data, not what is being sent.

Woulld love to hear ideas!

Hi There, these are a little cheaper than the smartTOP and work well,


I have one of these and it works perfectly :ok_hand:t2: