As per the Solent Area Calendar, please see the “place marker” in the MX5OC Diary for the above event, which is still being finalised.
You can find the MX5OC Diary Post: Here NB: Please note the change of date from Sunday 2nd Feb to 9th Feb!
**Terry and Diane have proved the route and I have a draft set of Tulip directions, that just need final editing and will be posted on this thread very soon for oyu all to print off
We have been requested to provide pre-orders for the pre-drive Breakfast, so please head over the calendar post and make your choices and let us know on this forum post what you would lkie to eat and drink for breakfast and we will capture your choices on the usual spreadhseet to forwward to the venue on the 5th February.
By way of an update, Diane Terry and myself have been busy searching our files in an effort to find the Tulips for this drive…a good time to weed out our records
We are pleased to report that Diane and Terry have found the relevant Tulips and are going to prove the drive next week and once complete, we woll post thw Tulips for thise qishing to do the drive to print off
Post #1 has been updated with links to the calendar, which has the breakfast menu for you to make your choices and reply to this post with your breakfast and beverage choices, so we can capture them for the venue.
This has been made possible in the last day or so, as we are now able to upload PDF’s to the calendar and forum, which was not possible before and has made life much simpler for AC’s