Solent & Neighbouring Areas 35th Anniversary Display of MX-5's at Beaulieu Autojumble on Sunday 19th May 2024

Hi Graham & Sheila,

That one is on my radar and I caught up on some admin today, which is good.

All payments should come to me via PayPal in the normal way and, as I understand it, I will pay Beaulieu in one payment and they will send me the car passes and wristbands.

Keep and eye on the forum for further updates, now I am back online😉

Kind Regards


Hi Mal, we missed the payment option……I told everyone it was free :flushed:
I’ve emailed Sophie’s email :woman_shrugging:
It refers to complementary access for us.

Hi Sue,
Ah…glad you replied as I was confused by Mal’s response about paying him, as I thought it was free, as detailed in the Event Calendar!!!

Thought I was starting to lose what few marbles I have left :wink:

You mention Sophie’s email. Where is that to be found, please?



I thought it was free as per the details in the Events Calendar on here. You were going to supply us with Sophie’s email so we could contact her to say we were part of the 35 MX5 display and she would supply us with appropriate wristbands.

Kind Regards,

Hi, the email I’m referring to was to the Club/Mal from Sophie that I also had as an AC.
I am sure Mal will sort it all out and we all get to put on a good display.


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I thought that according to the following, we do not need to pay anything but I guess this just needs clarifying.

IMPORTANT UPDATE Please note that after speaking to Sophie this morning (22nd April) there was some initial confusion on entry conditions for this event and Sophie has clarified that if we are exhibiting our cars at Beaulieu on the day, we do not need to purchase tickets, whcih is great news and Sophie is providing me later today with an updated email address to contact the events team to get free wrist bands and car passes.Sophie has also stated that if anyone has purchased tickets already Beaulieu will refund their monies and issue them with the above wristband and pass

Hi again Everyone,

We are finalising the numbers for the Beulieu Autojumble & MX-5 35th Anniversary today, as we need to submit the final numbers to Sophie at Beaulieu tomorrow, so please be quick if you wish to join us, as Sophie has said we can take more than the originally planned 35 MX-5’s along, especially as demand has been excellent and we will be able to put on a great display of all the variants of MX-5’s👍

The list in the calendar has been updated to reflect those who contacted me whilst I was away in the U.S.

Please check your entry is correct, or indeed if I have inadvertantly missed anyone off the list? the link given below takes you direct to the updated calendar post and list :wink:


Team Solent

Please add Phil Waldron . Marina Blue mk1

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Good morning Everyone,

This is the final update for the 35th Anniversary Display of MX-5’s at Beulieu on Sunday 19th May 2024.

I have just sopken to Sophie Boyes, Events Manager at Beaulieu and provided her with the final list of attendees, which stands at an impressive 64 Members and 37 MX-5’s, so a great result and thank you to all who have signed up for this event :+1:

Sophie has asked that we arrive at Beaulieu - South Gate by 08:15 on the day, so as not to cause an issue with public access to Beaulieu.

The drive to Beaulieu is approx 30 mins from Rownhams Services (Westbound), so we will need to leave Rownhams prompt at 07:30am (Sorry, I know its early but we have abide by Beaulieu’s instructions).

NB: Latecomers will be able to gain access but will be delyed getting into the grounds and to the display area, so its best to be early if you can!

So to summarise;

Rendevous Point; Roadchef Rownhams Motorway Service Area, M27 Westbound, Southampton SO16 8AP

Rendevous Time; 07:15 onwards to eanble us to leave prompt at 07:30 and drive via Morrisons at Totton to pick up Wessex Area Members and drive down to Beaulieu. Morrisons address is: Spruce Dr, Totton, Southampton SO40 8AD
NB: Sue Chorley (Wessex Area AC) had kindly offered to collect the packs for each car and these will be quicly handed out at Morrrisons before we all depart there

From Morrisons we will drive down the A326 Hythe Bypass and turn right at the roundabout onto the Beaulieu Road at Dibden Perlieu, for the short drive to the South Entrance at Beaulieu, arriving by 08:15 am :crossed_fingers:

Best Regards

Team Solent


Thanks Mal

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Top work Mal and thanks for organising everything so well :ok_hand:

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Hi Mal, as I’m driving south down the A36 from Devizes area via Salisbury it’s probably easier for me to meet at Morrisons (saves an unessesary motorway trip) so I’ll aim to be there by 0730hrs and meet you all there

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Hels and I will also meet you at Morrisons


Hi Everyone,

I have had a reply from Beaulieu with repect to anyone wishing to leave the display area early, as given below;

In specific answer to your question, the event closes at 4:30pm on Friday so exit would be after this point ideally however, if there was an exceptional circumstance we would be able to assist with early exit if required.

Best Regards

Team Solent


Hi Mal,
Thanks for the info about meeting up. See you at Rownhams

Terry & Di xx

No problems, just sorry abouy the early start🙄

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It wil be a practice run for Simply Japanese day :joy::joy::joy:

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For info, we have arrived at Beaulieu and have three members missing. Passes and wristbands have been left with Beulieu Marshall on the Exhibitors gate.

Team Solent

For everyone who came along to todays Autojumble and 35th Anniversary of the MX-5 eveny at Beaulieu, we would like to say a huge thank you.

We had 36 MX-5’s in total, across the range of, Mk1’s through to Mk4’s and some special editions also, such as Elliots stunning Merlot, Rogers LeMans a couple of Anniversary models , so a great result and that is thanks to you all for signing up to the event.

The day went like clockwork, with the rendevous points at Rownhams and Morrisons, Totton, where Sue and Hels handed out the car passes and wristbands, that Sue & Bill had previously collected during the week, to everyone and we were all set and drove the short distance to arrive at Beaulieu on time for 08:15👍

Finally, I am pleased to say, I sucessfully drove Graham to Tesco, Winnall, where we met Sheila, Grahams wife, who drove down from Wokingham and did the spare key exchange :grin:

I then drove Graham back to Beaulieu, where we saw and waved to a couple of MX-5’s we saw leaving Beaulieu on the A326, heading up to the M27🙂

We got to Grahams car and found Roger and Richard had kindly waited for us, to ensure all was well and were also letting the traffic from Beaulieu die down before heading home, which was a great move👍

We then all departed Beaulieu and drove out, via the Information Hut to say a final goodbye to Sophie Moss for hosting us and the exhibitors entrance/exit, only to be in a slow traffic queue, due to New Forest Ponies occupying the road😀

I arrived home at 18:45 just in time to see our Grandson for a little while, before he went home with his parents which was lovely🥰

MX-5 put away in the garage and then I had some dinner, that the family had kindly left for me with a glass of red​:wine_glass::+1:

I hope you all had a safe journey back to your respective homes and enjoyed the day at Beaulieu :crossed_fingers:


Just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my fellow MX5 enthusiasts who kindly tried their keys in the boot lock of my car at Beaulieu today, and for all the kind offers of assistance to help fetch my spare keys from home. Pleased to say that my wife Sheila was able to make it down to Winnall with them after Mal kindly ferried me there and back. All back home safe and sound.

Thanks again to you all.