Spotted in Woodley... Pink ND

Spotted 08/12 made me smile! Brave colour choice but somehow it works :grinning:
However check your MOT, its expired and it would be a shame to let plod take it!


It looks to be off the road and on private land. Why would the Feds take it?

Walked past on the way back home and it was gone, obviously on the road still

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Are we talking Greater Manchester, Berkshire or Hampshire here? There’s three Woodleys that I know of.

If it’s not MOTed probably Manchester. :wink:


and it still had its wheels :wink:

Its Berkshire BTW

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Perhaps Ken didn’t tell her it needs an MOT? :thinking:


Are we allowed this type of stereotypical assumption?

It could just as easily be a colour blind barber having a bad hair day!!! No, definitely a hairdressers car—

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We might need to challenge the geographical assumptions as well… :wink:


Isn’t it just Soul Red that’s faded in the sun? :grinning: :wink:


:astonished: :disappointed_relieved: I’m going to need some aloe vera for that burn! :joy:

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I think that it should be towed away just because they left it with the wipers parked across the screen! Not to mention the steering not being straight.


You raise two very fair and valid points :raised_hands:

The windscreen surround looks a bid iffy on the near side as well, but on the plus side it has a stubby aerial!!

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I agree with you Duane - pink isn’t a colour I would go for but that shade, against the black, works really well. It makes a change to the rest of the dull colour palette Mazda offer.

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