Spring Rally Parking

We have decided that the cars will be the stars at the Spring Rally. Parking will be in a herringbone pattern (as seen on the OC Stand at Silverstone last year) and cars will be split into 3 groups, MKI, MK2 and 2.5 and MK3 and 3.5.

By using this layout we hope to achieve a great display of cars, each parked at an angle.

This does mean that OC areas will not all be able to park together, but there will be plenty of space for getting together for picnics etc.

On the day you will be directed to the correct row and then shown to your parking space by one of the many members that have volunteered (press ganged) into helping on the day.

Members will be required to show the windscreen hanger that will be sent with the April issue of STHT or a current membership card to gain access. Non members will need to pay an entry fee.

Those coming with families in cars other than an MX5 will be parked in a separate area from the MX5’s.

There will be a parking area for those displaying Disabled Parking Permits in their windscreen.

Please bear with us on the day; we will park you all as quickly as possible.

Any questions please feel free to post on here or PM or email me.

With reference to the disabled parking, how far away from the main event will this be, my mother who will hopefully be attanding with me has a badge but likes to be involved but neither of us would want to be put to one side, how will this be delt with is there a layout map of the event availible


Hi Kev

As yet we do not have the disabled parking area set out on a map, however you need to keep in mind that the traders, competition area, catering facilities and toilets will be spread out over a fair sized area. We will endeavour to have the disabled parking area as close as possible to the main facilities, and it will be signposted on the day.

Couple of questions if I may.

Will the ‘windscreen hanger’ get a non mx-5 in for free?

If we come in two cars (one mx-5 and one non mx-5) can we get them both in with one membership?


Hi Mark, sure thats no problem, just speak to our meet and greet ladies, but the non MX5 will have to park in a designated area.



I have a similar question regarding a non OC member.  He, my dad, will be my passenger for the weekend.  We’re both hoping to be able to get to the meal, although on the booking form it says members only; will he be able to come in to that?

Hi Clarkey, as far as getting into the Rally on Sunday, one membership card will suffice. Regarding the meal can I suggest that you email Sarah Jarrett about this.

Hope this helps somewhat.



Thanks for the answer, just what I wanted to hear.


 Hi Clarkey

Regarding Hoppers Supper if one of you is a member and want to come with one guest who is a non member then this will be fine, as long as one of you is a member, look forward to seeing you. We would only allow one guest, as we are limited to 200 places for the Hoppers supper.

Hope this helps


Sarah (Mazda Chick)

Sorry to sound a bit dense here, but where and when is the spring rally?

Hi Gary, check out this link



Brilliant! Thankyou guys, will get booking, hopefully not too late!

Not long to go now and all the marshals are prepared for a busy morning.

Just to clarify MX5’s will be parked by MK and in a herring bone pattern, so please follow the marshals directions.

All other cars (without exception) will be parked in a seperate area.

Those with official Disabled Badges will be shown to a designated area.

Competition areas will be clearly marked but please inform the marchasl that you are entering the competition.


See you all in just over 2 weeks.



Just a reminder to all OC members, please have either the windscreen hanger in your car or a current membership card handy, this will allow us to direct you quickly to the parking area.


Non members will need to pay a £5 entry fee which is refundable if you join the OC on the day.



hi troops ,

if we can only get to the sunday (bloody work !! ) will i get parked in the normal carparking sections ?



Of course and the rally is only on the Sunday, Saturday is for the runs and the supper. Dont forget to bring your windscreen hanger or membership card though. The marshals will direct you to whhere you need to park.