Steering wheel - Cruise and Non cruise

  1. My model of MX-5 is: __3.5
  2. I’m based near: __ Suffolk
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: __

People… I am wanting to retrim my steering wheel and add some thumb grips. I want to send a steering wheel away and then exchange the buttons at home. Q is could i buy a cheapy off ebay without the cruise option that mine has and fit the panel when the retrimmed one comes back?? or is there fundamental differences.

Yea the buttons are transferable from your wheel to the new retrimmed one

Btw I do have a spare wheel with airbag if you are interested

I just mean… if i brought a non crusie control wheel off ebay and sent that i could still put all my curise control on to that wheel. even though it started off as non cruise. Sure youll want more then a basic steering wheel off ebay :slight_smile:

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Yes. Thats what im saying the cruise control buttons in your wheel currently in your car will fit the nc wheel that you have purchased and sent off to be retrimmed.

And what i was saying is that i have a spare wheel for the nc that i was looking to sell
Said wheel

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I think I understand the question. In your position I’d do the following:

Send wheel off for retrimming. Send off the bare wheel and retain original buttons. If you’re using Royal that’s what they ask you to do if possible anyway.

Slot your cruise buttons into spare/temp wheel and fit that for the time it takes for the retrimming of your original wheel to occur. There’s no discernible difference between cruise/non-cruise steering wheels on an NC.

Royal sent me a retrimmed wheel after I sent a deposit.
I then fitted it and sent my existing wheel to Royal who then refunded my deposit.

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I like Simple :slight_smile:

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Same with mine from Royal Steering Wheels, they will refund the deposit when you send them your old wheel once you receive the retrimmed one.

You will not be disappointed with a retrimmed steering wheel from Royal.

Mine is gorgeous and is night and day different from the OEM.