Stick on number plate - where?

Looking to replace the front number plate plinth on my Mk1

Question is where is the best place to put a stick on number plate? On the nose cone between the indicators or just above the cone on the bonnet?

Any recommendations or pictures for inspiration?

  1. My model of MX-5 is: __
  2. I’m based near: __
  3. I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: __

I would say definitely on the nose cone, if you put it on the bonnet it will probably be illegal. maybe a fine and MOT failure.

This is the relevant part of the 2001 legislation:-

(3) This paragraph requires the plate to be fixed—

(a)vertically or, where that is not reasonably practicable, in a position as close to the vertical as is reasonably practicable,

(b)in such a position that in normal daylight the characters of the registration mark are easily distinguishable from every part of a relevant area having the diagonal length specified in paragraph (4).

Rather than reproduce the technical spec the relevant area is a diamond shape 22m diagonal with one point in the centre of the plate and the opposite point directly ahead.

Just for interest how do you intend to cover the plinth holes? I fancied stick on plates but went with standard plates screwed directly to the nose to get rid of the cracked plinth as I didn’t know what to do with the holes, (or the scratches from the edge of it to tbh but most of those polished out or were touched up)

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This is where I put mine on my MK2


Having watched an explaination from a police officer about number plate angle and how ANPR cameras read, they are not happy with plates that are not presented vertically or follow a curve. Like most regulations, opinions for MOT are open to a bit of interpretation.

Never had that problem, had plenty of speed cameras pointed at me and plenty of MOT inspections and nothing has ever been said. I think both MOT inspectors and Police officers are more concerned about the size of Your Number Plate and people reducing the legal size of the lettering.

The law is very vague on this matter.

A friend was pulled in his C class because his number plate was behind the windscreen although visible from in front of the vehicle.

He refused to pay, went to court and won his case. I was in the car with him at the time, he had just had the bumper resprayed and went to collect the car. The police in a court of law apparently lied and said it wasn’t behind the windscreen, even though we took pictures at the scene when they stopped him.

"This paragraph requires the plate to be fixed—

vertically or, where that is not reasonably practicable, in a position as close to the vertical as is reasonably practicable"

“in such a position that in normal daylight the characters of the registration mark are easily distinguishable from every part of a relevant area having the diagonal length specified in paragraph”

How do you define what is and what is not reasonably practicable? It’s giving you the option there to pick a location “where that is not reasonably practicable”

“easily distinguishable from every part of a relevant area”
Yet there is no defined “relevant area” the front of the vehicle should be sufficient at least in a court of law.

It’s also up to the users of ANPR technology to be in the right position, not the other way around. You cannot cater for all the different locations of ANPR devices.

You only have to look where traders put the trade plates!
99-100 will be in the front or rear screens.

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Totally agree

Fascinating discussion this in terms of human behaviour and the desire to justify personal views by seeking confirmatory comments from others and rejecting counter views.
I am just completing a behavioural change qualification and was struggling for a topic for my next assignment so a huge thank you. I am now sorted…:+1:t2::+1:t2:


What’s so fascinating about it, it’s a forum isn’t that a place where ideas and views are exchanged and people discuss particular issues that are of interest to them.

Please do not read fascinating as a negative, it is not, it is just interesting how it relates to some theory I have been looking at that was saying people seek out opinions that agree with theirs. As you say that is probably the very essence of a special interest forum like this.

Never had a problem with mine.


Although i’m not seeking an opinion that agrees with mine as i don’t yet have one!
I was asking a question where is the best place to put it - i was thinking more of the aesthetic, rather than a legal perspective, so the responses have been valuable in this case :slight_smile:

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