A heads up to say that a few of use will be meeting for an informal drink/chat at The Manger on Wednesday from 8pm. I’m going to try to book a table so we have somewhere to sit, and it’s near Christmas.
I’ll try and think of another quiz, and in all likelihood Mr Creosote will be tempted to overindulge.
If you can make it, see you on Wednesday…if you can’t, Merry Christmas!
and thanks to David for the mints, to Karl for the back up mints, and to Karl for the quiz, and to everyone else for a jolly pleasant evening. And Nick, if you had answered F*** M***** to all the quiz questions I think you may have done better…
Congrats to James, a worth quiz winner and in the absence of RR took up the important role of spotting the errors!
LINK MARJ is not an anagram of Jim Clark
But I got the correct answer anyway
Can’t believe I didn’t recognise the F*** M***** Mk 1 when I actually owned one of those as a company car
Advice please. This is the second time there has been a meeting at the Manger where the first I have seen of it on the forum is the day after the event. This thread is over a week old and I visit the forum almost every day. How am I missing it?
I’m not sure exactly how you access the site, but I have MX-5 Owners Club Forum bookmarked (it’s a link to the ‘latest’ threads with posts in - the site has automatically changed the URL to a text link) and that usually works for me.
Sorry you missed it. There are very few of us there most months, and sometimes none, which is why it’s not one of the permanent Meets.
It seems to be hit and miss with this one. In the past, I’ve seen some chat on here about an upcoming ‘Manger’ meeting, and then turned up, only to find myself alone for the evening. The landlord and landlady are a bit bemused by this as well. Just thought I’d point that out.
Sorry that you had that experience. Here’s a potted history and some Bury backstory.
The Bury Meet was, once upon a time in the distant past, the Eastern Meet. However, because the Eastern Region is so large other Meets developed. These other Meets, in Cambridge, King’s Lynn, and latterly Colchester, have far more active members than Bury. The demographic of the others has been couples who want to go out on social gatherings, whilst Bury was a group of blokes who used to be more into runs for their own sake rather than the social gatherings, and are now a bit beyond that due to age and circumstance.
When I was Area Coordinator and Bury was my local Meet, Bury used to happen every month just as Cambridge, King’s Lynn & Colchester do, with an agenda and me as official OC representation because I was going to be there anyway, but it was never the active group the others were -more a Victor Meldrew Appreciation Society. Then I left, COVID happened, and there simply wasn’t the call for it anymore. The current ACs made absolutely the right call in demoting the Bury Meet to an ad-hoc sub-Meet. They put the effort in pre-COVID but Bury is a bit of an outlier Meet and it’s not viable really.
A few of us who were the Bury ‘hardcore’ before COVID times still meet up on the first Wednesday of the month if we’re available but often we can’t make it, and none of us go on the Eastern runs or socials anyway. There is little point in Barry & Andrew travelling half way across East Anglia to tell us about them. So Bury isn’t a proper Meet really, and I think that without its history it would probably go the same way as the erstwhile Scole Meet and fade away to nothing.
The best thing to do is to watch the Eastern Forum right up until the last moment to see if anyone is going to be there. There’s unlikely to be any official OC talk, but we do chat about MX-5s obviously, and everyone is welcome. If enough other people come along regularly then maybe the Bury Meet will resurrect itself in the far future but in the meantime…it’s a sub-meet that may or may not happen each month and that lives on because of history and sentimentality.
We haven’t explicitly gone through all this with the owners of The Manger, but…I’m not sure how and why we would. It’s not as if they are ever without room for us.
I love you Karl. I sat down with a glass of Port, Carr’s and some Brie to read that post. It was all over too quickly though (the reading, not the Port, Carr’s & Brie, still on that). Happy Christmas.
I’m sure that Mr Curtis could put together a proper Bury Meet history which would be a real tear jerker…
I love you too Robbie. I know Martin could indeed do a much better job than me (without my inaccuracies and with far more context from before my time) and it would bring a tear to the eye.
Have you ever tried chocolate with your port - lovely stuff…